Friday, 7 March 2014

Bloom's Taxonomy and SAMR Model

SAMR Model

This teaching model was developed by Ruben. R. Puentedua in the late 1980"s. 'The aim of this model is to provide a framework for teachers to integrate technology into the classroom to ultimately enhance student learning outcomes achieving good pedagogy'

The SAMR Model process begins with Substitution. This is the very basics of technological integration by the student in the classroom. For example - a student goes from using a pen and paper method to write a story to typing the story on the computer. The student is substituting an old method for one that is a little more efficient. 

The student can now take that knowledge they have just gained and build upon it with the understanding that the outcome will be more efficient than their previous method. This is called Augmentation For example the student can now use the story they have typed up on the computer to make improvements by using the embedded tools such as spell check, dictionary and thesaurus. The students work although remains the same, noticeable and functional improvements have been made. 

Both Substitution and Augmentation are considered to be the enhancement stages. These stages won't significantly impact student outcomes.

Most students start at these stages however the ultimate goal in the SAMR model it to progress to the Modification and Redefinition stages where higher order of thinking is required 
(Bloom's taxonomy) and transformation is taking place.  

Modification  uses technology to redesign a task significantly. The heart of the task remains the same but important aspects have be modified so students can accomplish new goals that they could not accomplish without the integration of technology.  For example the student adds their story onto a blog post or wiki for his class mates and teacher to see and critique. 

However, the end goal is Redefinition where innovation and creation are achieved. Here, the student has gained significant understanding and possess the ability to intergrate technology to manipulate and transform their work into something completely different. For example the student can use digital videos to 3 dimensionally tell their story now or put their story into an iBook to share with the rest of the world.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy was created by a educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom in 1956 to promote 'higher forms of thinking in education'.  There are 3 domains of learning (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor) which are then organised into 6 levels that one must progress through in order to achieve the highest order of thinking.  

The picture below clearly illustrates the Bloom Taxonomy concept: 

Bloom's revised Edition

                 Click here to find an in depth and very simple explanation of Bloom's Taxonomy.

What links the SAMR model and blooms taxonomy together is that they both embrace the idea of scaffolding and social constructivism. While booms taxonomy is about achieving a higher order of cognitive skills through a process of scaffolding of information. The SAMR model focuses on a more interactive/experiential scaffolding model to achieve significant student outcomes through the integration of technology. These learning outcomes can only be successfully obtained by the support of a teacher or other more knowledgable learners. ( social constructivism)

As we can see from the illustration below. The SAMR model and Bloom's Taxonomy can be considered together when planning student activities where both high order cognitive skills and significant student outcomes can be achieved.

Relationship between Boom's Taxonomy and SAMR model.

Until next time.

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